24/7 availability, high responsiveness and DDOS protection


Secure Your Business

Akamai Edge DNS by Performance Cloud

Despite its importance to critical websites, applications and devices listening to domain names, many organizations forget to strenghten their DNS infrastructure, often relying on just two or three DNS servers. This choice leaves them vulnerable to data center outages as well as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Performance Cloud delivers Akamai Egde DNS to improve the DNS infrastructure of organizations.

Akamai Edge DNS

Edge DNS is a cloud-based DNS solution that provides 24/7 DNS availability, improves DNS responsiveness, and has the resilience to defend against the largest DDoS attacks. Built on a globally distributed anycast network, it can be implemented as a primary or secondary DNS service, replacing or augmenting existing DNS infrastructure as needed.


  • High Availability - Leverage the Akamai Intelligent Edge Platform, with thousands of DNS servers in more than 1,000 points of presence worldwide, to provide a high level of DNS service availability. Edge DNS comes with a 100% uptime service level agreement (SLA), providing you with confidence that your customers and employees can reliably connect to your website and application servers.
  • Fast Responses - Direct users to a high-performing DNS server based on network conditions to improve the responsiveness of your DNS infrastructure. The globally distributed anycast network accelerates DNS resolutions for users connecting to your websites and applications from anywhere in the world, and zone apex mapping reduces DNS lookup times even further for sites on the Akamai Intelligent Edge Platform for an additional web application performance boost.
  • Defense Against DDoS Attacks - Protect against DDoS attacks that target the DNS infrastructure to disrupt websites and application servers. Edge DNS provides a highly scalable DNS platform with sufficient capacity to absorb the largest DDoS attacks while responding to legitimate user requests, so you can maintain user access to faster online experiences even when you are under attack.

Benefits to your business

  • Guarantee 24/7 availability by leveraging Akamai’s scalable, globally distributed platform
  • Achieve faster, more reliable resolution with zone apex mapping and thousands of servers worldwide
  • Defend against DDoS attacks with the capacity to absorb them and maintain user access
  • Prevent DNS forgery and manipulation with Akamai DNSSEC (optional add-on)
  • Simplify DNS infrastructure management with Akamai Control Center and Edge DNS APIs
  • Control costs with pricing based on the number of zones, not requests

Akamai Edge DNS overview


Do you want to explore Akamai Edge DNS or first want to know more? Don't hesitate to contact us. Fill in the form below and Bas Greevink will reach out to you as soon as possible. All fields with a * are mandatory.